NoSQL operator: seektable

Extract rows beginning at selected offsets from a NoSQL table.

Usage:  seektable [options] table < offset_list

    --help (-h)
      Print this help info.

    --input (-i) 'file'
      Read input offsets from 'file' instead of STDIN.

    --output (-o) 'file'
      Write output to 'file' instead of STDOUT.

    --verbose (-v)
      Report bad offsets to STDERR.

    --no-header (-N)
      Do not print the table header on STDOUT.


This operator takes a list of byte-offsets on STDIN and prints on STDOUT
the corresponding table records from the table specified as a command
line argument. The list of offsets can be built with the 'indextable -N'
operator, and 'seektable' expects it to be a one-column, header-less
table, like this:


Any blanks preceding and following each byte-offset are silently
ignored. Input offset values that do not point at the beginning of a row
in 'table' are also ignored, unless '-v' was specified, in which case
they are still ignored, but a bit more loudly.

Anything that comes before the last valid offset preceding the newline
of each input row is silently dropped.

Examples :

  seektable table < offset_table


  printf '228\n  1117\n  518  \n    1225     \n' | seektable table

Note the randomly spaced offset values in the second example.
